Asbury Woods Endowment
Help Build a Bright and Lasting Future For the Woods – Forever
To assure that Asbury Woods will be in our community forever, we have established a permanent Endowment Fund at the Erie Community Foundation. Like other endowments, the purpose of the Asbury Woods Partnership Endowment is to support the mission and work of Asbury Woods in perpetuity.
By establishing our Endowment Fund at the Erie Community Foundation, we can rely on The Foundation’s expertise and combined resources in the areas of investment management, audit, and other endowment-related services while focusing on our mission to inspire a greater connection to the natural world by protecting, managing and interpreting our property; providing outdoor recreational opportunities; and offering environmental education experiences. You can rest assured that your donation will be wisely and securely managed.
If you are interested in discussing the Asbury Woods Endowment Fund or making a gift to it, please contact Stephen J. Engro, Director of Development and Marketing, at (814) 836-6179 or sengro@asburywoods.org.

Ways to Give:
- A one-time gift designed to the Endowment Fund
- Memorial and honorarium gifts through the Celebration Garden are added to the Endowment Fund
- Designate a portion of your will, bequest, or estate plan be gifted to the Asbury Woods Endowment Fund
Asbury Woods Endowment Fund Value: $283,317 (as of 8/31/2024)
Asbury Woods Endowment Fund Goal by 2030: $1.5 million (approximately twice the current annual operating budget)
If you are interested in the Erie Community Foundation’s investment policies and financial audits, please visit https://www.eriecommunityfoundation.org/about/investments-financials.